For those of us who want to be prepared for any kind of emergency but do not have space to store gallons and gallons of bottled water-- this is a great thing. It will filter water on an as-needed basis and has a first rate filter-- not your basic meh water filter, but a 4 stage filter which means you could use it on river water etc if you needed to. It's a good size and one filter can literally process probably enough water for one person for a year. I also carry this type of bottle when I travel, and put local tap water from hotels, Airbnbs, public restrooms in it to make it like drinking bottled water without worries of it having anything in it that can cause tummy trouble. Lightweight in the luggage, good to have on hand for any number of situations. I remember when similar filters were 2-3x this price a decade ago. Saves money, gives peace of mind.