My wife wanted this to try something different by shaving her bush hair into a fun shape, so I ordered this while kind of grimmacing at the almost $20 price tag. But I'm a huge sucker for her so into the cart it went and was soon on our way here.
After the customary weeks of waiting for it to be sent from China it arrived; a poor razor that nicer could be found at the Dollar Tree and a small purple lightning bolt shaped cookie cutter. And that's all it really is, a cookie cutter. The same kind you could get at the store for 12 for $5. And from the design of the bolt, the corners are so small and tight you can't get the razor into them which would leave rounded corners leaving the bolt misshapen.
Honestly, save yourself some cash if you want cute bush hair. Get a decent razor and a pack of cookie cutters from Michael's or Hobby Lobby. You'll have more choices and still save a bunch of money.