I love my essential oils and keep them going throughout my house at all times. I love them for the aromatherapy benefits as well as to simply make my house smell good and cover up the teenage boy smells and dog smells (and toddler smells). Any chance I get to pick up some new oils, I do. So I eagerly snapped up these oils when I saw them, thinking they'd be a great addition to my collection.
There are six essential oils in the collection. You get lavender, sweet orange (my favorite), lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree. They are small bottles, so depending on how much you use and how often, they won't last too long. The bottles are all dark, so you don't have to worry about the integrity of your oils if they are left out in the light. I store all of my oils in a wooden essential oil case to help preserve them longer.
I cleaned out my diffuser in the living room and grabbed the bottle of sweet orange to try out first. I put the normal amount of drops that I used it in and set it going. About half an hour later I realized I still wasn't smelling anything. The bottles smell good when you take the cap off and smell them, but I wasn't getting any results from what I had put in. So I went to my diffuser and added some more. After 15 minutes I still hadn't noticed any scent. I went and turned the diffuser off again, opened it up, took a sniff and still nothing - a very faint scent of orange, but not the overwhelming scent I should have had after the amount I had put in. So I decided to dump the entire bottle in and try again. Sadly, I never did smell it. I was very disappointed.
I tried again with the lavender. Same results. I cleaned it again and tried with the tea tree. I got a faint scent, but that was after the entire bottle had been dumped in and then it was only when I was right next to the diffuser. It never diffused through the air and filled the room with scent.
Needless to say, I am very disappointed in this set of oils. I used the entire bottle of three different scents with no luck whatsoever. I will try it with the last three scents, but doubt it will be any different. This is a set and a brand I will not be buying again.
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #vsadey #essential oils
#eos #oilylife #iloveoils #smellsgreat #aromatherapy #lavender #sweet orange
#peppermint #lemongrass #teatree #eucalyptus #anxietyrelief #therapeutic
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