My little princess, who is a major girly girl diva, has been showing more and more interest in her cousin's toy cars when we go to Grandma's house to play. I have been wanting to get her some for awhile and when I saw these dinosaur pull back cars I almost got them for my nephew who is a major dinosaur fanatic, but decided little missie could keep them for herself. Besides, he will come to our house at some point and need something to play with, so it is good to have them here.
There are six different cars in this set. They were quite a bit smaller than I thought they would be, but they are the perfect size for her little hands. They are all shaped like dinosaur heads, not full bodies, and are fierce yet not scary. They are fairly realistic, based on what you see in pictures and at museums. They are made using non-toxic Rotomolded PVC and ABS plastics, so are safe for little ones to play with. I have no worries of her playing with these cars. There are no parts that come off, so nothing small to swallow and choke on.
In the set you get the following: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Pterosaur, Tatankacephalus (which I have never heard of), Spinosaurus (also one new to me), and Dilophosaurus (I must really not know anything about dinosaurs to never have heard of these kinds). They are all smaller, approximately 3 inches by 2 inches by 2 1/2 inches. They are pretty compact, being almost as tall as they are long.
And they roll great. They are easy to pull back on and they roll a good distance when you let go. Not as far as some other cars I have had in the past when my boys were little, but these are much smaller so of course won't go as far. She hasn't been able to figure out how to get them to roll on their own yet, but has been pushing them back and forth across my coffee table and on the tile floor in the front entry and kitchen, as well as across my couch arms, across the seat of the loveseat, up my leg, across my feet, across the dog's backs....
Definitely a fun set of pull back cars and well worth the investment! Great fun!
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