This may be a men's messenger bag but I love it and I am keeping it for myself. It classy, durable and has enough room to fit my needs.
This bag is made of real leather and not the faux leather that a lot of bags are made of. I am impressed with the design and quality of this bag. I love the nuetral brown color. I don't have to worry about it clashing with any of my outfits that I wear.
This bag is not overly big and that is one of the things I like best about it. It measures approximately 9.85" x 8.07" x 2.76" and that is the perfect size to carry to work, school, everyday use, etc. The bag has two main compartments that are very spacious with two smaller pockets on the sides. You can store your phone, keys, tablet, notebook, personal items, etc. and still have plenty of room. This bag is perfect to keep everything organized.
Check it out here:
#RankBoosterReview #sponsored #Regsun #TechSun #messengerbag #satchelshoulderbag #leatherbag #crossbodybag