After receiving this item at a discounted rate, I’ve found it to be very fit for purpose.
I’m a student, and during exams, we aren’t allowed smartwatches like the Apple Watch, and our phones have to be left in our bags outside or handed in to the invigilator. In the exam room, I can’t see the clock, so I got this to help with my motivation.
It feels very nice and doesn’t smudge pencil or pen. It was easy to get on and it fit me perfectly. I liked how the packaging was very minimalistic - I presume this was to keep costs down, but it was very quick to get into.
It doesn’t seem to lose noticeable time - no watch is 100% accurate (according to Science) but it doesn’t get jammed or anything.
Overall, I’m very impressed and would recommend it to anyone in need of a cheap temporary watch and kids.