This bag is versatile. You can use this bag as a handheld or it has a shoulder strap. This bag can be used for all the things you need to carry for you and baby. It has six expaanding inside insulated pockets for bottles or drinks. It has four outside mesh pockets for keys, wallet, lipstick and other essentials.
This bag will fit under the stroller for easy access and convenience for quick to reach items. If you don't want to carry a huge diaper bag this one we pack with the right away must haves when running in the grocery store, at the farmers market and other short stops when using the stroller.
It's so convenient to grab it fits right under the stroller and I'm off. I can also sit a bottle in the pocket and it won't fall over add some toys and sit it conveniently in the car for easy to reach items on the go.
This organizer bag is available on Amazon so check it out. I love mine and it's easy to pack and carry.
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