I purchased these because I’ve created a huge flower arrangement on my dining table and wish to continue relaxing the flowers with fresh when they die
i wanted it to look spectacular and I had seen these water beads in a flower display at a hotel
This gave me the inspiration to do my own ..
When they arrived I was quite surprised to see such a small container... it looked Tiny for 40000 beads!!
My daughter clocked them and after some begging and negotiating she was going to have some for her to play with and the rest were for my creation
we found a huge bowl and placed them in it and then added about 6litres of water
it took a fair few hours for them to expand to their maximum size but it was worth the wait
they were a bowl of multi coloured pretty glass marbles ..in fact when you stick your hand in it was amazing, they were addictive to play with and I could see how a person with sensory needs could really benefit from these
my daughter and I had fun and while she played with her for hours mine were adorning my vase and looking fabulous!!
when they start to shrink they simply need water and they swell again
cannot recommend these enough