I really like this hair chalk it works on my darker hair. You do have to let it dry a little longer than 30 seconds and if you don't use the gloves that they provide and the clothing guard, it will make a mess. But once dry it's beautiful and a great way to have color in your hair that's just temporary but looks like the real thing. I received this product discounted but it did not sway my opinion or view on this product.
Hair Chalk Comb 6 Piece Metallic Glitter Temporary Hair Color Edge Chalkers Built in Sealant Upgrade Non-Toxic Rainbow Colored for All Hair Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0782W7QGT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_qs7HAb7AABT66
#RankBoosterReview #sponsered #FH #minihaircolorcomb