I can't begin to tell you how surprised I was to use this tripod...it's wonderful! It's the perfect size for someone like me looking to take selfie-family portraits. It has a lot of adjustable height options. It's sturdy and very well-made. It even has a tool to make sure it's even- similar to a leveler you'd use to make sure your pictures are hung up evenly on the wall. I'm also going to use it with my professional camera as well. I love that it has a mount for cell phones- many similar tripods do not include a mobile phone holder. The bag with a strap is really nice, too. Overall, I love this thing! P.s.- You know how people write reviews and say they received a discount but it's still their "honest" opinion? Well in this case, I assure you it's 100% true! Awesome tripod, guys! #RankBoosterReview #sponsored #Bonfoto