I picked up a nice fireproof document/portfolio holder not long ago that I have been using for all of my observations of student teachers and have loved it. But when I go to visit a new student teacher and their Cooperating Teacher for the first time to conduct the orientation I take a lot of papers and resources with me. I can't squeeze them all in to the document holder, so wanted a matching bag to carry it in instead. This works perfectly. It is large enough to hold numerous print outs and protects them all from the elements when I am out and about. It has a strong zippered closure that is a little tough to zip up - it catches a little and is rough to pull - but stays closed and keeps things inside. It also has an additional pocket on the front with the same kind of zipper. I can easily stash pens, pencils, paper clips, or other small office items I might need, in this pocket for quick access and don't have to dig under the paperwork to find them. There are different colors and styles to choose from, but I got the solid black bag with the brown leather strip across the top. It looks professional and classy, making it the perfect companion bag to the document holder I carry. I did not get either one for their fireproof capabilities. I got them for their professional look so that I could use them when going to visit student teachers at the various school sites since carrying my spiral notebook and file folder of paperwork didn't look that great. This has worked great for my needs and I am very pleased.
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