My husband has a bike tool in his hydration bag that he carries with him any time he goes on bike rides. But I don't. I know most of the time I am with him when we go on bike rides, since it is such a pain for me to hook up the trailer to my bike to take little missie out myself. So if I ever needed a tool, I would have him there to fix things for me. But I thought it might be a good idea for me to put one in my bag, too, just in case. It is a nice little compact tool kit with more tools than I know what to do with. Each of the tools folds in to the housing allowing it to be closed up and keep things protected. They are easy to unfold and snap in to place and stay in place while you use them. I have had similar types of tools in the past that collapse back in on themselves if you put too much pressure on them, but not the case with this tool. We shall see if that says that way over time, though. Of course, I have yet to use it, so can't say for sure. It is a bit heavy, but since I carry it in my bag that is on my back, I don't really notice the weight all that much. My only worry is that I wouldn't know how to use it if I actually had to. But at least I have it and can use it if the need arises! Or at least have it to hand off to a passerby to assist me in using it if I get stuck somewhere!
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