The weather here is just beginning to change, so the temperatures are still in the 90s, though we have had 2 days of upper 80s. But that said, there has been no moisture in the air, thus nothing on the cars in the morning. I can't tell how well these anti fog films work at this time of year because it is too warm to tell. But I have hopes that they WILL work. So this review focuses only on the making and application of the films.
In this package you get two films, so can put them on both of your side mirrors. Or you can do like we did - one on my driver's side mirror, one on my husband's driver side mirror. We both wanted to test them out since I park in the garage and am only out in the elements when running kids to and from school or running errands/activities for kids. My husband on the other hand parks in the driveway, so has to use things on his truck to help make his 4:45am departure time easier in the cold. He drives through the cold, the fog (and we have a lot of thick, dense, tule fog in our area), rain, etc. His mirrors would be more apt to fog up and show the value of these clings than mine would. There are also tools to help you apply the films and instructions with pictures. The instructions are obviously translated to English, and I would recommend the seller secure the help of an English speaking editor to help smooth out the wording a little. But the meaning is clearly there and you can put them on based upon what is listed.
I started by cleaning my side mirror thoroughly and drying it off. I wiped it down with a cloth to make sure all dust was off of it and no particles would get trapped under the film (the same way you would do with a cell phone). Next I spritzed the mirror with some water, peeled one side of the cling off, and then smoothed it on to the mirror. I would recommend you start with one side of it and slowly put it down, trying to push out any air bubbles as you lay it on the mirror. Otherwise you will end up with bubbles trapped in it that you can't get out, no matter how much you try - which is what happened on my mirror. We learned this before trying it on the second film, though, and had far better luck with that one. Then I peeled off the other cover on the film, smoothed out the bubbles, and wiped it down with the rag to get all moisture off. And the film has now been on my mirror for 2 weeks with no indication that it is going to peel or lift. I have washed my car three times in that time, as well as had the sprinklers hit me as I was pulling out of the garage.
Be careful when you are pulling the backing off and make sure you pull the BACK, not the front. They are labeled and it DOES matter which one goes where. I didn't think it would make any difference and was having a horrible time getting the back to peel (the little tab to lift it tore off of the backing, so I was left having to try to separate it with my fingernails). I decided to pull the front off and put it on, then realized that it can't go that way. The back actually does have some sticky to it, while the front does not. So I had to reverse things once I discovered them.
But otherwise, application was easy enough. It seems to be well made and is staying put. I think that part of it is worth the money for sure. And if it actually does help allow you to have one part of your mirror anti-fog, it is definitely worth it. If that is the case, it needs to be larger so it covers more of your mirror rather than one small circle.
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