For me, personally, I assume there is an adjustable amount of pressure applied to the nipples. I have purchased quite a few off these typew of toys. This is the on;y one that had no adjustable possibility. They just literally clamp on. It is stated it is for beginners. However, everybody has different shape and size nipples, regardless of their level of experience. I find that midleading. I figured beginner meant there is nothing besides the basic adjustment.
This is supposed to be a "one size fits all", but that is misleading. I think if somebody is new to nipple play and toys, it could sour the idea if this was the first toy they experiment with. Nipple clamps should fit tight enough so they won't fall off through movement (the amount is on a personal scale), but not hurt. You don't want it to hurt when first put on.
I personally recommend putting them on with a snug fit and as you get more excited, tighten them along the way. But these particular set does nbot allow tightening or losening. If you aren't the perfect size naturally, you are just out of luck.
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