I picked these up at the same time as the toe caps, hoping one or the other would come in before my son's campout and he would have plenty of protection for his toes. But these came in later and he is finding the toe caps are working for his needs, so I think I will pass them on to my brother who has hammer toes. The reviews look good for hammer toe usage, so I want him to try them out. Like the caps, these have fabric outer sides and gel padding inside. They can be cut to size, but don't expect them to fit well on smaller toes. And then again, if you have a really large big toe, you might have trouble getting it to stretch fully over that. But they fit most toes relatively well, but don't really stay in place all that well. They slide off of my toes after just a few steps, so I can't imagine how they would be after a full day of wearing them. Of course, with socks and shoes on they may stay on better. They can be washed with water and soap and left to dry, but the gel inside does get sticky if you don't use a gentle soap and let it fully dry. Otherwise, I can't say much more about them since we haven't really used them that much, but they seem to be a decent product.

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2U86CgE
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