A friend recently commented on my baking mats and how much she'd like one like my largest mat that I use for all cookie making and biscuit cutting. I saw this set and thought maybe she'd like these. But I was a little disappointed with the set when I got it. The largest mat is not as big as what I was hoping for, being 16.5"x11.6". My mat is so much larger than that so I can really roll things out. But I was super impressed by how thick these mats are. They are far thicker than mine. The smallest mat in the set is the size of a piece of paper, so it doesn't really feel like I have much room to work. I decided not to give them to my friend and have put them away for the time being as I do not know if I can do much with them since they are smaller. They are an okay size for using like a cutting mat or for prep work, but there is not a lot of room for rolling things out and working it up. But they can easily be put on a cookie sheet to protect it and help bake your goodies more evently (plus it is super simply clean up! just rinse and go). Whether you are using them for baking or for cooking, they work great for protecting your cookie sheets and dishes. They can be put in the oven without melting and can be tossed in the dishwasher for clean up after. And if you have a cutting board that slides around on your counter slap one of these silicone mats under it and you won't have slipping any more. These are awesome for helping hold things in place on the countertops while you are working. They are easy to roll up and stash in the corner of a drawer or cabinet. The only thing I have found with using silicone mats is that while they are nonstick to everything you use them in for cooking/baking, they do have a tendency to pick up all the little things you might not want them to. I have to rinse and dry mine each time I use it because it has collected every piece of dust possible since the last use. But I do like using things like these and am keeping them for myself, though right now they are stashed in the cabinet.