Awesome Xmas gift that will have them screaming while doing a 360. I love the fact this looks realistic in a characteristic way. I mean that by displaying veins, scrotum, and many other natural male features. You definitely have to give points for the wireless remothe that is included with the item. That will catch any woman or mans eye that is into things of this nature. It has a total of 8 vibrations on this item is very powerful. Although it is 8.25 inches only 6.25 of it is usable, just so readers are mindful of that. Lets not forget that suction cup so that it will stay put for you where ever it is you would like to mount this. It also seems they put special thought into the material usef for creation, as they used liquid silicone to be sure to accomodate sensitive skin users as well. Overall I would say if you like things like this I think you are going to be very satisfied. It is also arrives pretty quickly with faster shipping options and is in discreet packaging.