Not too long ago I was thinking of how much I needed to pick up a toothpaste squeezer. This was a different design than any I had seen before and I was intrigued. Normally I have used ones that simply slide on to the end and then you slide it up to push the toothpaste up, leaving the flattened tube hanging out the end. These are metal stands that have rubber grips on the bottom so they do not damage your bathroom counters and don't slip. They have small crank handles on the side. You slide the end of the tube of toothpaste in to the slot and then twist the knob on the side. Once you begin twisting it grips the end of the toothpaste tube and wraps it around and around the little crank tube inside. It forces the toothpaste up and holds is securely in place, allowing you to get as much as possible out of the tube as you can. I was very impressed with these! I also did not expect to get 4 toothpaste squeezers. I thought it was only two, so was pleasantly surprised since I am horrible at reading descriptions of review items and did not realize I was getting multiple items. There are two red squeezers and two white. That works perfectly since there are at least 4 tubes of toothpaste being used in our house at once - my husband, my own, my boys (who share one), and the toddler toothpaste. I was able to put each one in a squeezer and set them out on the counters where they usually sit next to the toothbrush holders. Very pleased!

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