My boys and I have tried a few different ways of using temporary color in our hair to add some fun and character to our hair. We have tried various spray in colors & hair chalk sets, both types leaving our hair colored long after washing. So much for temporary. But that is the problem when you have lighter colored hair like my youngest son and I do. We are both lighter blonde, so colors stick around longer than they do for my oldest, who has dark hair.
I saw these clip in hair extensions and thought maybe this would be a better option for me. My only problem is that the pictures on Amazon always make them look amazing and when I get things like this in, mine never look the same. Mine never even look CLOSE. But I wanted to try them out anyway.
They are very long, so expect to need to trim them to match the length of your hair. I have shorter hair, it being about shoulder length with layers, so I wasn't too worries about whether they were exactly the length of my longest layers or a little shorter. I did a point cut on them as I cut them so that they weren't just straight across. I hated cutting so much length off but you get 12 clips of different colors for less than $12, so it is not like I can't pick up another set if I want longer ones later.
Each set of hair has a small plastic clip at the top that you slide in to your hair to hold it in. The whole set also comes with two alligator clips (the large kinds that hairstylists use to hold your hair up while cutting or coloring it) to help you clip up your hair so you can hide the comb clips in your hair and then blend the colored hair in after.
The hair itself is not hard and crunchy feeling like other hair extensions I have seen in the past. They ARE synthetic, so are not as soft as human hair, but are somehow manufactured in a way that makes them a little softer than others on the market. I thought they blended much better and looked more realistic because of it.
These were very easy to use, the colors are vibrant, and I can easily remove them when I am done adding color to my hair and want to return to my normal mom look. Lots of fun!
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