I was desperately in need of a new purse, so picked up this set of four. The shipping seemed to take forever and then I had to go to the post office because it was sent registered and I had to sign for it. I was sorely disappointed when I took these out of the packaging. They are some of the cheapest bags I have ever seen. They are definitely not leather, even the synthetic kind. They are thin and flimsy. I fear I would break the straps on these with the things I carry. And they are not as big as they look like they will be from the listing. The handbag is barely the size of what I am carrying right now, while the messenger bag is more of a small purse to me. The clutch is a joke. I didn't even realize it was being considered a bag. I thought it was like a small pouch you could put in your other bags to help organize things. But it didn't open well and had no room to put anything. Heaven forbid you want to put a key, lipstick, and small wallet in it. There is no room! The card wallet was an absolute nightmare. I couldn't get it to lay flat, then when I snapped it together, it formed a big O. I put some stuff on top of it til I was ready to take the picture and you see what I got. This entire set is a big no no. I don't understand how they are marketing this as $59.99. This is not even something I would buy at the dollar store. I am horrified that I paid a discounted price of $12 to get these. What a rip off. I gave them to Little Miss. She is loving having toy purses to play with. They are more her size and will most likely get destroyed by simple play, but at least someone is happy. Too bad it cost so much. Sadly, I am still waiting on the tan version of this to arrive, though I ordered that one less than a week later and still don't have them.
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