Recently, my kids and I have been eating more smoothies than before. Even though we've upped our fruits and vegetable consumption through smoothies, I'm always trying to find other healthy ingredients to add into our smoothies. We previously had tried the SuperFoods Organic Forever Beautiful Smoothie Mix and really liked it so we thought that we would give this one try.
The ingredients in the smoothie planned are Acai Berry, Guarana, Maca, Lucuma and Banana Powder. Like the others, these ingredients are also organic as well as gluten, dairy and soy free with no additives, sweeteners, fillers, preservatives or anything else that might be artificial. With two teenagers who are drinking the smoothies with me, it's nice to know that this mix is good for them
When you open the container the dry mix has a strong aroma to it but after I added it to my smoothie mix, I didn't smelt the strong aroma like I did before. I did add a teaspoon of this mix to a bottle of drinkable yogurt and I am sad to say that it made my drinkable yogurt not very good. The difference between my drinkable yogurt and my smoothie was that I used an array of fruits. So I am thinking that some of the fruit I used help disguise the taste a little.
Along with smoothies, it's recommended to try this mix in your breakfast or snacks. They even suggested to replace your morning coffee with a blend of 1 teaspoon energy bomb makes, one banana, five strawberries and 1 cup of water. On the back of the container, there is a link where you can go to find other recipes where you can incorporate this mix into.
Overall, the mix was not that bad as long as I added it to the right smoothie combination. I am not saying that this mix is completely horrible, I am just stating that I personally don't really like it.
**I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest, fair and unbiased review. This is required disclaimer but it does not make my Amazon product reviews any less truthful or valid. I was given ample time to test and evaluate this product thoroughly before composing this review. All statements and opinions in my reviews are of my own and are in no way influenced by the seller or the fact that I have received a product at a discount.**