From the day it arrived, this became my daily "go to" bag. I'm one of those people who carries a lot of things, no matter where I am going. You never know when you may get some unexpected downtime that could be used to get some work done.
This bag is the perfect size to carry everything I need to or may need while out. The one pocket is even insulated making it absolutely perfect for my epi-pens.
I also love that it provides multiple pockets for keeping items easy to reach. It is also great when it comes to having multiple options for how to carry the bag. It has a removable shoulder strap. Depending on your size, you may also be able to use that strap as a crossbody. There are also two straps so it can be worn as a backpack. Lastly, there are two handls that can b velcroed togther in order to carry it by hand.
It also came with multiple smaller bags, one of which is insulated. While I do not typically use these bags, they are very nice to have and for them to have been included.