I have been wanting to try silicone scrubbers for quite awhile now. I have tried a few different silicone types of products and have loved them for everything I have gotten them to do. Cooking. Storage. And I wanted to try cleaning. So here are my set of scrubbers ready for use!
These come three to a pack, ready to use straight from the package. They have small bristles that work hard to grab things and scrub them free. They drain fast, too, since the bristles are so short. And being silicone, they don't spread disease, nastiness, or yuckiness. Traditional sponges are a breeding ground for all of the nasty harmful things that can cause problems with your loved ones, and every time you wash your dishes, despite using hot water and soap, you are rubbing that right back on to the things you think you are cleaning. The thought of it is disgusting! With silicone sponges, there is no where for things to breed and hide, so you can rest assured that you are protecting your family's health while you wash your dishes.
I haven't used them all that much, but can say the few times I have used them, I was mostly happy. They definitely do a good job of scrubbing the dishes clean and not leaving a mark. They definitely do not scratch them.
The only problem I have with them is that they do not get the hard caked on things off. I had to resort to using an old scrubber sponge that I despise thanks to knowing what is in it after sitting on the sink to get that off. I tried soaking for awhile, but that still didn't work. I needed something a little rougher to scrub the ick off.
But other than that, I have enjoyed using them and the fact that they are not spreading the yucky stuff that breeds in sponges and rags.
Definitely plan to continue using silicone sponges. I just have to keep something on hand for the harder to scrub stuff. What? I have no clue yet, but am keeping my eyes open for a safe product for that, too.
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