This #Careshine Potty Seat is so convenient. I placed it in the bathroom for potty training my Great Granddaughter as soon as it arrived. The potty seat pops right on any standard toilet without any tools required. It is available on Amazon in pink or blue. As you can see in the photo it has a ladder that makes it easier for a toddler to be able to sit without assistance. It also is raised on the sides so they have a place for their hands so they feel comfortable and balanced. In the front there is a raised area to protect against leaks or mishaps. When they sit they are also learning how to sit correctly. It is well made and seems durable and sturdy. It doesn't slide and my toddler can't move it. If you are looking into potty seats I suggest this one by Caresshine.
#Careshine #potty #seat #training #convenient #childs #toddler #comfortable #pink #blue #durable #RANKBOOSTER #TRIEDITFORADISCOUNT