This Sequins Mermaid Pillow Case is nice and flashy, it is one of the first things people notice when they walk in my daughter's room. I wanted to give her something a little special when i had her brothers Birthday party as i didn't want to leave her out and this was perfect. she loves Mermaids and has a mermaid blanket so i thought she needed a pillow. I did have another pillow that i used to fill the case with that is about the same size but as the info says you really need a 18x18 insert for it to look nice and full.
The sequins flow back and forth when you run your hand over the pillow which is a pretty cool touch. There was a few that came off at first but she has not lost anymore so they must have just been loose for original manufacturing. The seems seem to be sewn nice and overall the pillow is really cool but it does have a small zipper which is a little harder to zip but it really wasn't that big of a issue but could be for someone who has a hard time working with small items and areas.
It came along with a cute bonus mermaid necklace and i think my daughter may have liked it more than the actual pillow lol. This made a nice little gift set and she had several comment on how neat and cute it was so it was totally worth it.