Fixed Power Jack in A Cheap Piano

Verified Post by Julie
Published on 05 Aug, 2019

HUICAO Rosin Core Solder 0.023 inch/0.6mm 63/37 Wire Solder for Electrical Repair Wiring Circuit Boards – 100 g (0.023 inch/ 0.6mm)
Price: $8.99
My Rating
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4.75 / 5   (8 Reviews)

My husband started off with a guitar. He changed strings, detailed, and did small guitar work on his collection. Oh yeah, thousands of hours practing; might be underestimating! 17 years later he builds and assembles guitars, wires and assembles pickups, and helped me fix the power jack to my cheap piano I bought off amazon! . Thanks for the extra Solder, it worked great remounting my power jack!

My husband started off with a guitar. He changed strings, detailed, and did small guitar work on his collection. Oh yeah, thousands of hours practing; might be underestimating! 17 years later he builds and assembles guitars, wires and assembles pickups, and helped me fix the power jack to my cheap piano I bought off amazon! . Thanks for the extra Solder, it worked great remounting my piano power jack!

Available on #amazon, we got ours from #HUICAO brand!

If you have any questions, you can always reach us at, This page, or add productsunlimited on wechat for any other inquiries.

Price: $8.99



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