We don't do a lot of traveling any more, but my boys do still go on a lot of campouts, so are always looking for ways to pack their stuff easily and better organize things. I thought maybe these travel bags might help.
You get four bags of different sizes in this set. They are made of Eco-Friendly EVA material with zippered closures. They are slide zippers with plastic pieces, so if the piece pops off, it should pop back on easily enough. Just don't lose it or you won't be able to put it back together. The bags all have little green cactus images all over them, on both front and back. They are very cute.
I was hoping they would be a little more than they are, though. While they are decent bags, they are not as giving as I'd like to see. They are flat, so there is not much room for them to expand without losing the height and width of the bag. And though the listing says they are made of high quality EVA material, they still have a slightly cheap look and feel to them, in my opinion. Then there is the zipper possibly coming off and being lost rendering the bags useless.
But they are working fine for me to store things in right now. I am keeping some smaller items in the smaller bags around my desk and in my drawers. It has helped me organize things a little more. So for that, I am pleased.
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Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2DjHMX3