Very bright and doesn't take up much space

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Published on 20 Jun, 2018

Amurgo LED Camping Lantern Flashlights Portable Lamp Waterproof Tent Light Survival Kit with Magnet Hook for Emergency Hurricane Outage (Collapsible) Outdoor Home (Pckage of 1)
Price: $10.89
My Rating
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4.90 / 5   (39 Reviews)

This is a very nice Lantern for camping trip, hiking or power outages. It's small and doesn't take up a lot of space. To turn on, you just put in the batteries and  lift up the top and the light comes on automatically. To turn off, you just push it back down. There is also a pull up handle to make it easy to carry.  The light is very strong and lit up my whole room

Price: $10.89



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