Poop Emoji slippers, that is and they’re the most adorable poop I can honestly say I’ve ever had the pleasure of stepping into. The poop emoji is my favorite so when I saw these, I knew I had to have them. I couldn’t imagine how a pair of slippers would work in a one-size-fits-all as I’ve owned some that did NOT work but these do! How they managed to allow so much room my sons can wear them or my grandson and all of us be not only comfortable but they stay on is beyond me. I was terribly afraid they’d have to go back as they would not work but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Not only that but the bottoms are treated with something that is slip-proof so I have no issues with these whatsoever. They’re adorable, fit perfectly, and feel wonderful and warm as well as snag a lot of attention if someone comes over and I’m wearing poop on my feet!
#McNeilGraphix #PurchasesMadeSimple #Amazon #AmazonPrime #Emoji #EmojiSlippersThick #RankBoosterReviewii. #Sponsorediii #KennethTwinkling