A few years ago we got my husband a record player. We have picked up a few vinyls here and there, but haven't focused on collecting too much. Recently my oldest son decided he wanted to start collecting vinyls, and wants to hang the vinyl covers on his wall to decorate. We talked about giving him the record player we got my husband and buying him a bigger one, but my son thought the one we already had was too large and wanted something smaller, like this suitcase player. He was so excited when I told him that I got it for him. He kept checking the shipping status and delivery status, asking me if I had it yet, then asking me when I was going to get pictures of it. I let him take pictures himself and then set it up in his bedroom. He has listened to his vinyls so many times now. He loves it. It has great sound quality and plays perfectly. The wooden box looks very nice and it adds to the overall charm of the unit. It is a very attractive looking player that makes it look more expensive than it is. You can plug headphones in to it, which is perfect since my younger son doesn't always want to listen to music when his brother is (they share a room) and you can plug an aux cable in to it and play music from your phone on it. It also has the capability of being able to connect to an amp, which might be good if you want something louder, but since his bedroom is not the largest, the built in speakers are sufficient. I love the fact that you can also connect it to a computer and convert vinyls to MP3s. Very cool! Overall this is a great little unit that works well and looks amazing. Well worth the money.

Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2Ep88Wo
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