My dogs are heavy chewers. They can destroy almost any dog toy in a few seconds. My giant breed English Mastiff normally is good with her toys and will take care of them for a few weeks before she gets the uncontrollable itch to chew them to shreds. But my Aussie/pit mix has a horrible tendency to destroy instantly. Because of that, we go through a lot of pet toys in a short amount of time, always hunting for something that might last his jaws of destruction a little longer than a few minutes.
I was fairly certain this set of toys would not last, but decided to get them for them anyway. I know how much they enjoy rope toys, and hoped the braiding would last a little longer than usual. There are three rope toys and a drawstring storage bag in this set. They are designed for smaller dogs, not giant breed and large dogs like mine. But though they are meant for smaller dogs, these have been sufficient for my pups.
The dogs have gotten to a point that they see a new box arrive (which happens multiple times each day), they automatically begin sniffing and trying to figure out what is in it and if it is for them. They make it almost impossible to take pictures of the products for reviewing before I let them have them. But they do know they are not to grab anything until I give them permission, which often means they are in the background of nearly every picture, especially ones that are products intended for them.
The ropes are fairly well made and might be good for smaller dogs. They honestly didn't last as long as I thought they would, but my dogs are still playing with them after a few days of wear and tear. I have only had to throw one toy away at this point. But they do not resemble the toys they did originally when I took them from the package. They have unraveled, been chewed apart, and are not long from their final resting place in the trash. But they did a good job so far and the dogs are loving their play time with them.
If you have a smaller dog, this is great. If you want something that can stand up to the chewing of a larger dog or an extreme chewer, this is not the set you will want to go with.
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