If you don't have a pocket blanket in your car or bag, you need one. Perfect for everything - sitting on the ground, wet bleachers at games, dirty picnic tables, use for a poncho, wrap around you for warmth... multiple uses, yet small! I have multiple pocket blankets now, having become a firm believer in them. I keep one larger one in my car, but then have smaller ones like this that i keep in the garage, in my purse, in the diaper bag, etc. I have also given some to my husband, my mom, my sister, friends.... I make sure we all have pocket blankets, and can't tell you how many times I have had to pull them out for various reasons. This blanket is small, weighs almost nothing, and is waterproof so it helps to keep your tushy dry if you need to sit on a wet surface or grass that seems dry but you later find out is not. Love my pocket blankets and this one was a great addition to the collection!
Get yours here:
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