I purchased this in XL, and the fit is perfect for me. I think it runs a bit smaller than a US XL, but if you refer to the size chart, it is accurate. It fits like a loose 10, snug 12 in US sizes. It’s lightweight, and has a stretch to it, not like a typical cotton tshirt. There’s a little more stretch/spandex feel to it. The design and color are exactly as shown. Very happy with the length, it runs just a little bit long, so lots of room to tuck in without it bunching up.
The hem was done very nicely. Straight, folded over. However, the sleeves have no hem at all, just a rough cut. I don’t know if this was to add to the style and make folding over easier and lay flatter. Due to the fabric, it doesn’t stay folded securely, and once flat, it does look pretty ragged. I wish they had gone the extra step and put a few stitches in the sleeves.