My daughter and her friends love temporary tattoos so I decided to purchase this set for them to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. The package contains over 300 tattoos with different Saint Patrick’s Day themes. I did remove some of the tattoos that I did consider to be inappropriate for children such as the mugs of beer. There are 56 sheets of tattoos with anywhere from 4 to 11 tattoos on each sheet. I plan on letting the kids pick a sheet to apply and then adding a couple of sheets to their gift bags to take home.
The tattoos are made of natural, non-toxic inks so they are safe on the skin. My daughter and I tried a few of the designs to see how easy they were to apply. We cut out our chosen design, peeled off the plastic cover sheet and put the design face down on our skin. We used a wet paper towel and pressed down on the back of the design for about 20-30 seconds. It claims that the tattoo will last for 3-5 days but we washed our hands so much that it started coming off later that day. We quickly removed the rest of the tattoos with a little bit of makeup remover. The tattoos on her arms and face were still bright and vibrant when we removed them before her bath that night. This is a great set for a group and is available at an affordable price.