Great deal

Verified Post by Michelle Collins
Published on 21 Jan, 2018

Mugig Ukulele Strings in Nylon for Sprano Concert Ukulele Package of 3 sets
Price: $8.99
My Rating
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5.00 / 5   (3 Reviews)

My 9 year old son got his first ukulele for Christmas and is slowly learning how to play. On that note he broke the original strings right away by tuning them way to tight. So we purchased these new strings for his ukulele and they came in super fast. So then we restrang  the ukulele with these Mugig Ukulele strings that are a lot better and strong thank the original strings that was on the Ukulele. They was super easy to restring and have so far lasted about 2 weeks and they are perfect for what we need them for. #RankBoosterReviews,#Sponsored,#Mear,#Mugig

Price: $8.99



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