We don't do as much grilling as I would like to, thanks in part to the weather and how hot it gets and in part to my husband's work schedule, but when we do I hate having to take the time to scrape and clean in prep for whatever we are putting on it. We have gotten used to the grilling mats and they have made a HUGE difference in keeping it clean, but now I have this little tool to use as well. And honestly, this little tool kind of has me confused by its simplicity and why no one has put out something like it before. It is super simple in design with all different sizes of edges you can use to scrape with. It comes with a hole in the end and a S hook that you can use to hang it from the edge of your grill so you have it handy for when you need it. There is really not much more you can say about it other than it is easy to use and easy to clean afterwards. If you have the muscle to scrape, you can use this tool. Works exactly as intended, no bells and whistle, no frills or fancy things needed.
Get yours here: https://amzn.to/2Wq9Vl6
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