I picked up this multi-port hub that has seven usb connections in it to use with my laptop, though I know I don't need THAT many when I am sitting on the couch working. But my laptop is old and most of my usb ports have gone out, so I am now to a point that I have one left. The laptop overheats so I have to plug in to a cooling pad at all times, I am horrible with the touch pad so I rely on a mouse plugged in, and I store all of my stuff on an external harddrive so I can move from computer to computer. So I need at least 3 ports and have 1. And if i need to transfer pictures from my phone to my computer I need to be able to plug in. At this point I have been doing it the long way and transferring them via bluetooth. Having a hub would make a big difference for my productivity. This hub absolutely blew me away. I LOVE the fact that it has switches for each port and you can turn them on and off. And each one has a blue LED light to indicate if it is working or not. I plugged it in to my laptop and plugged in the various things to it that I need to use and it worked great. But it was a pain to have to pick up the hub and try not to mess it up or unplug it everytime I set my laptop down. I would forget it was attached and go to move the laptop and would drop the hub. Too many issues like that for my laptop so I moved it to my desk where I have a usb port in the power strip where I plugged it in and now have our various power banks plugged in to it under my desk. I have a decent collection of them now from review items I have compared and ones we tried on our own, but have had to rotate plugging them in after one would fully charge. Not anymore! Now that I have the hub there I can plug them in and not worry. Working great!
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