Very handy vomit bags. I thought it would be a great idea to keep some handy at home and in the car since I have been getting nauseous due to my pregnancy. Little did I know I would be needing them soon but not for myself. My 6.5 yo daughter got food poisoning and threw up at my parents, few hours later when she felt better we headed home and while I was driving on the freeway she said that she feels like throwing up again. I wasn’t able to pull over immediately but luckily I had the bags handy under arm compartment so I handed one to her and instructed to put her mouth over it. She took the bag, opened up herself and puked in it. My poor, brave girl.
Opening is wide enough for an adult and the plastic circle that holds the bag open is sturdy and it’s easy even for a child to put hands around it, bag itself is thick.
Recommend getting them