This thing is huge!
I initially wanted a back up/replacement for my toddler's drink/snack bag. We tend to overflow it with his stuff and along with ours too, so we've worn out a few of them already. And with it being summer we tend to want to bring extra water bottles or use ice packs to keep everything cold. So we're putting extra weight into the bag with all that stuff and wearing it out once again.
I can't comment on the longevity of it, since we haven't had it for that long yet save for a couple of days, but I already love it. I'm not planning to overload it like previous bags, as to preserve it better, but I can for sure put tons of food and snacks for my family in there. This thing would make for a perfect picnic bag for my little family, if I were ever to use it in that way. It seriously has so much room.
It's insulated inside so it can keep foods hot or cold for a time. I know with previous bags we've torn the inside liner, so we will see if it can hold up to our use.
I like that it has 2 different compartments. I can choose to keep the heavier stuff in the bottom and the lighter stuff up top and not have to rummage around or have them mixing together and having the heavier stuff destroying everything else.
It has a long carry strap along with a small carry handle on top, which I like. I can have a choice on how I would like to carry it.
First impression, I really like this bag. It far exceeded my expectations. Grab one while you can!
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