I originally bought this for my little sister but instantly fell in love with it so keeping it is a must! This makeup brush cleaner is really cool and handy. It comes with attachments that connect to the end of your makeup brush, as well as a carry case so you can bring it with you on trips. It's super easy to use and works extremely well.
To be honest, this wasn't something I would have thought to go look for and buy, but I am super happy I came across it for someone else. One of the best features about this is the drying feature. I use to wash my makeup brushes in the sink and it always took them at least a day to dry. The solves that problem completely and prevents having to remember to wash them before you need them.
It cleans them within minutes and dries them even quicker. I would definitely recommend this to every woman out there.
Great buy!
It's a must-have!