We never seem to have enough cables on hand in our home, and my husband has told me to keep my eyes open for type C cables to review for him since he is now in need of more. I picked this one up for him hoping it would be what he needs since it is a little shorter than I usually buy.
There is one cable in this package and it is made with what appears to be a nylon sheath over the top. It is smaller than the braided cables I am used to seeing, but is similar in style. It is a dark steely grayish color and has a USB connection on one end and Type C on the other. I prefer the braided cables over the plastic or rubberish shieldings because they don't crack or split like the others. I haven't had problems with my braided cables in the past, using a few different ones for my own phone all the time. The braiding hasn't frayed on my other sets, so I know the braiding on this should work well for our needs for awhile. It seems to be well made and comes with a small velcro piece that allows you to keep it easily bundled and together.
The ends fit well in my husband's phone, too. So far it has gone in with no wiggling or falling out. The connection is secure and immediate. I see the phone immediately connect and begin charging as soon as I plug it in. As for whether it is quick charge or not, I am not sure. We tend to use our cables for in the car or when we are using a power bank, so don't really pay attention to how fast it goes since we use them the whole time they are charging. The only other time it would possibly be used is at night, and in that case we are sleeping so don't know when it is full and stops.
We also haven't used it for transferring of files or information, though, only for charging. So I can't say for sure whether it would be quick at transferring things or not. I did not buy it for that reason.
Regardless, this is a great cable. I love the velcro that is attached and allows you to coil it up to keep it from getting messy. So far so good. No complaints from my husband yet.
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