This surprised me. I didnt think it would have enough suction to actually remove anything from my pores i tried different nozels to see what they did, I found they all pretty much did the same. The exfoliating one didnt seem to exfoliate so much. If was a bit too smooth. The large one seemed to work the best. There are different levels of suction.
I found it left my skin red for a few days.. It made me look like I had been theough the mill, but it actually did clear debris from my pores.
These photos may look a bit rough, but for honesty sake and despite how I look, I am using them.. or a lot. But if your having trouble with acne, it may be worth a day or two or redness, since pimples will stick around longer than my redness did.. I actually left the house after I did this.. I have an airbrush makeup set that actually covered this.
Make sure you keep the device moving around your face and clean face woth warm water before and after using.
Disclaimer: I didnt wash my face first. I probably would have had more removal had I opened my pores first by cleaning.
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