This is such a great set of bags! As a mom of a toddler these bags sure come in handy.
I love the look of these bags! They look like regular purses, something you can just use everyday normally. They don't stand out or look abnormally huge like beach bags usually do.
With summer almost coming to an end, these bag were perfect for beach /water days. The big bag is super roomy to fit everything. I put my stuff and my son's stuff with plenty of room to spare. The smaller bag is pretty spacious itself. I had no trouble keeping my son's wet clothes in the bag. The liner inside kept all the water in and the outside dry. Both of the bags look and feel of very good quality. I'm sure if I used the larger bag to hold wet clothes that it would do the same fantastic job of containing them as the smaller one did.
These are great Mom/beach bags.
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