I own two pillows made by this company and they are incredible! I can't rave about them enough! I really like that they make the pillows so that you are able to add more foam if you feel you need it or you can remove some of the foam to create a softer less firm pillow. They include the bonus foam FYI!!
I have never had another pillow like this one. Nor have I ever owned a pillow from a brand that's so thoughtful and considerate of how versatile their customer base is and that realizes that everyone requires something different to ensure they are comfortable for sleeping.
I am truly impressed not only by the product itself and how well made it is on top of the insane comfort it offers but I am also blown away by the company. They seem to be very in touch with their customer's needs and what people desire in their pillows.
I recommend this brand as well as this pillow 100%