I am hopeless when it comes to using chopsticks, but my husband uses them all the time. Anytime we buy out or anytime I make anything Oriental in nature, he has to use them. And when he uses them, both of my boys attempt to use them, too. They are getting better, but still need more practice. I picked up this set of reusable chopsticks so that we would have some extras here at home and wouldn't have to snag extras at every restaurant we go to.
You get ten pairs of all natural bamboo chopsticks in this set. They feel larger than the chopsticks you get at the fast food places, in my opinion, but not so large you can't use them. They are 9.45" in length. They are made of green bamboo and have no paint or embellishment at all, so they are fully kitchen and food safe. They won't swell or absorb water in any way, so should work fine for whatever you are eating.
They do recommend that you hand wash these, though. I am not sure why you can't put them through the dishwasher, though. I wonder what would happen to them if they did go through a cycle.... They also say that for the first time you should soak them in salt water for an hour, then hand wash, blot dry, and use. When you are finished, they say to hand wash, dry, then put in a well ventilated area so that they can dry naturally.
They balance well in your hand and actually feel pretty good. I was able to pick things up with them. I usually have no luck using them, but I found myself actually being successful using them. I still don't think I will be using them when I eat, but they are an easy fit in your hand and it wouldn't be hard to learn using these.