I had gastric bypass years ago and lost over 100 pounds from the start. A little over a year later, I started my family, gaining about 30 pounds, losing it, and gaining it with my 2nd child. It has now been more than 14 years and I still struggle to lose the 30 pounds I gained. As I approach the 40 year old mark I find the weight doesn't want to come back off. I have tried everything possible to lose the weight, but struggle. No matter how much exercise, dieting, supplements, medications, counseling, or a combination of all of the above, it refuses to change. But I still try to find the magic solution, the miracle combination or resource to help me get to the place I want to be. I HOPED this might help, as I do with everything I attempt.
I decided to try this supplement, though I don't have high hopes for it because nothing seems to work. Plus I was diagnosed recently with fibromyalgia and one of the medications we have me on to help with pain causes weight gain. I have gained 30 pounds in six months from it, so losing weight is even more difficult than it was before thanks to this new diagnosis. I am not sure if it will work, but am willing to try it.
I can say that while I don't necessarily know if it is working any for weight loss, I AM sleeping much better. I love the fact that it contains various weight loss supplements that work for others (green tea extract, ggreen coffee bean, and New Zealand kelp), keeping it more natural than prescription. Of course, I hate using anything I don't need to because there is always risk and you can still overdose yourself on supplements the same way you can with prescriptions.
I haven't noticed any weight loss yet, and seriously doubt I will since I never experience weight loss when taking all natural supplements. But I am hoping perhaps it might help with that after taking it longer. I have only been trying it for a week now, so can't say much more on that. I have also added in more exercise to my routine, so am hoping that the combination will make a difference for me. I haven't had any stomach upset or headaches while taking it, but I also haven't noticed any other effects. I had hoped for increased energy at the least. But so far nothing.
Will it work? No clue. And doubtful. But it is worth trying. It may work for you.
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