Got this for my oldest as he went threw 3 different chargers in a week. The cable is shorter than expected but so far it works great for my sons phone. It's charges at a normal rate. There are faster cables out there and this one just charges reg...
This was a great gift for my sons friend. The design is adorable and well designed. The bags look pretty sturdy. The small bag can be used as a makeup bag or a pencil bag for school. The other additional stuff was a bonus for the little girl. This wi...
This remote control was a lot of fun to play does all kinds of tricks,it has lights and is very entertaining to pretty much any age group.It is easy to use with the remote control and works great indoors and outdoors.The remote control car an...
Seem like fairly good quality. They are comfortable to use and seem like thet should hold up to some pretty rugged use. I am happy with this purchase. Two thumbs up!
Great tasting , fluffy rice. Comes in a nice reuseable bag also. We have only tried it once and liked it. We are looking forward to trying it with a variety of other recipe. This is definitely a nice quality food item.