Bought these for when my grandson comes to stay and for snacks for when my lads are watching the rugby.. They are a good size, thick not flimsy and hold the food well. They are simple to put together just literally push and slot the corner...
Bought these for when my grandson comes to stay and for snacks for when my lads are watching the rugby.. They are a good size, thick not flimsy and hold the food well. They are simple to put together just literally push and slot the corner...
Not sure if mine is faulty but it keeps turning itself off even when there is water. Only using water so cant be clogged or something as its literally not working properly from the time I got it. Not very happy.
Works really well, I have mine in the kitchen, I find it brilliant when I have been preparing raw meat as I don't have to touch anything to get soap on my hands.
The kids also love it and it has encouraged them to wash their hands more w...
These are brilliant for a whole host of events from a birthday, Christmas, Easter, and those BBQ's during the better weather and being paper they can be recycled which is an essential plus in my book.
They come flat packed making them ea...
Good quality punch set. It Will be perfect for art projects. Very easy to use them. Will keep the children occupied for hours. Perfect for making cards or just creating a pattern.
I used these for slice of cake to give to people and they really hold up well. Looking forward to using them for parties and not having to worry about them being dropped and broken. Very easy to put together
Fast delivery, Strong cardboard to hold both hot and cold foods inside.
Iv used these for both hot chips and cheese, hotdog holder, chips and burgers for a quick and easy lunch set up.
Iv also used them for freshly popped popcorn which whent do...