This is very sturdy and has a handle that you can grip onto easily in case of emergency. Has a cutter, to get you out of a seatbelt that won’t release as well as pointed ends to break a window. I keep in my glove box in case of an emergency whe...
These auto safety tools are nice. The only thing I dont like are the holders. They dont seem practicle since I would not be mounting these anywhere. I just placed them in my center console so that I can get to them easily if needed.
Excellent pair of LED fog lights with up to 3600 lumens rating. Size is fairly small, decent, and compact and does weight too much at all. Body is made from aluminum die cast which you can really feel and see indicating of its durable quality. Instal...
I bought two of these hoses to put on the two spigots near my flower beds that run along the entire side of my property. They are very well made. The brass ends are much nicer than the plastic ends so many of these hoses have. The h...