It is amazing how many pairs of earbuds a family will go through when you have teenagers. Each of the boys got a new pair for Christmas, but I have already had to buy 2 more sets since, and we are barely in to March. My oldest informed me his earbuds were beginning to cut out, so it was once again time for another set of earbuds for him, though it has been just about a month since he got his last pair. I don't know if I spent more money on them if they would last longer, but at the rate we go through them, I don't want to spend more than I am!
When he saw this set in my pile of products to review, he immediately asked if he could have them. I told him yes, since I got them FOR him, and he has been using them the rest of the day. He said so far he has had no problems with them. The sound is clear, there is no distortion or interference, and they fit comfortably. He used them with his xbox, playing games and communicating with friends using the mic, and said it sounded great and he didn't have to repeat himself a million times like with his previous pair.
The set comes with the earbuds with a long cable to plug in. They are NOT wireless, so you will need to plug them in to whatever you are listening on. They do include the mic built in, so can use them to play games, listen to music, or make phone calls. There is also a package of additional earbud pieces to help make them more comfortable. The different pieces are all different sizes and shapes, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your ears and needs.
So far, so good, but it has only been a day of using them. We shall see how well they do in the long run, but for now they are meeting his needs perfectly. And the price is not huge, so this mama is happy.
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